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Incorporation of companies and branch offices of foreign companies.

Company operations (M&A’s, spinoffs, transformations).

Preparation of amendments to the bylaws and family protocols; assistance and support in assemblies and boards of directors; custody of the respective books.

Assistance regarding shareholders’ agreements.

Legal representation of national and foreign companies.

Assistance in corporate conflicts.

Company liquidations.

Assistance to nonprofit entities.

Structuring and implementation of business operations.

Negotiation of civil and commercial agreements.

Corporate restructurings.

In addition to the traditional legal services, LEAL ANGARITA implements with its clients innovative joint work schemes in order to achieve greater efficiency in the manner in which the legal work is distributed and handled.

Legal structuring and processing of public-private association projects (APP), both of  a private and public initiative.

Legal assistance to state entities in their structuring of public initiative APP projects; review of their private initiative APP projects’ propositions.

Legal assistance in contracting processes with state entities.

Legal assistance to state entities in their preparation of tender documents for the selection of contractors, and in the award and execution of state contracts.

Legal assistance to state entities in the execution of their contracts.

Assistance to concessionaires in their relationships before the awarding entities in the road, airport, railroad, river, port, and energy sectors, among others.

Representation before the administrative authorities.

Assistance to companies regarding the hiring and dismissal of their employees and their compliance with the Colombian labor regime.

Assistance regarding the Colombian tax and exchange system.

Design of procedures and alternatives allowing availing of benefits granted by the tax norms; optimization of tax obligations.

Assistance in compliance with the tax authorities’ ordinary requirements.

Controversy resolution control (legal, arbitration, friendly settlement, or conciliation processes, among others).

Support and representation of state entities and contractors in litigations before the administrative contentious jurisdiction and before arbitration courts.

Assistance in the Colombian aeronautical and port regime.


If you would like to know more about Colombia’s simplified shares corporation (Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada, S.A.S.,)